Can Collagen Be Absorbed Through The Skin?

Feb 23, 2023

Getting collagen into your skincare routine is all the rage, but what is the best way to get it in your body? In this article, we will be looking at liquid collagen, what it does to your body, and whether using a collagen cream can be absorbed through the skin. 

What Does Collagen Do For Your Body?

The word collagen comes from the Greek word “kólla,” which translates to glue. This is because the collagen present in our body works like glue holding together the vital parts of our body, like our bones, ligaments, organs, muscles, tendons, and of course, our skin. 

liquid collagen supplment

Collagen is a protein that is naturally found in our bodies, yet as we age, it declines. Collagen is so important to our makeup, that on average, it is as much as a third of all the protein in your body. It’s essential when it comes to our healthy joints, skin elasticity and can even be beneficial when it comes to skin conditions, and general aches and pains. 

The Different Types Of Collagen

As well as collagen, there are another 16 different types of proteins in our body. Mostly, our bodies are made up of types I, II, and III. Each individual protein strain has a different, and vital job when it comes to our body working correctly. 

For example, type I can help build our bones, tendons, skin, and ligaments, whereas type II allows for cartilage to form. The cartilage sits between our ears, nose, and other bones, and acts as a flexible tissue. Finally, type III creates blood vessels and muscles. Whilst all collagen types are important, type 1 is often what you will find in supplements currently on the market. Type 1 collagen works to minimise fine lines, and wrinkles and improves overall skin elasticity. Also, once you start taking a collagen supplement, you may also notice that your nails are much stronger, and your hair is thicker as well. 

As mentioned above, as we get older, our collagen levels decline naturally as we age. That’s why we have to protect what we have. There are some lifestyle choices that are directly harmful to our natural store of collagen. Sunlight, smoking, and sugar consumption will all lower your collagen levels considerably. The sun is perfect for getting your much-needed vitamin D as it helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.  These essential nutrients are needed to keep your teeth, muscles, and bones healthy. Not to mention, it also boosts your mood. However, the sun also has ultraviolet light, which can make the fibres of our collagen unravel. This can result in sun damage, which may look like wrinkles and fine lines. 

Smoking is another damaging factor to our collagen levels. The chemicals that are present in cigarettes (and e-cigarettes) are harmful to our skin as well as they can cause us to sag and wrinkle.  Sugar, as well, can be detrimental. Sugar can cause the fibres of the proteins in our body to cross-link, and tangle. This can affect our skin elasticity over time. 

Can Collagen Be Absorbed Through The Skin?

As collagen supplements have grown in popularity, there have become many ways to intake them such as liquid supplements, pills, powders, and also, collagen creams.  For all the beauty buffs out there, a collagen cream may have become part of your regular routine. But can collagen be absorbed through the skin? 

‘Collagen’ skin creams are made with synthetic collagen, which may not be the most efficient way to boost this level of protein in your body. The extra moisturiser will add an extra layer of protection to your skin, but it won’t affect the natural levels of collagen in your process. Collagen can’t be absorbed through the dermis in its whole form. In order for collagen to do its job in our body, it has to be broken down into smaller peptides or amino acids, which then in turn can be absorbed. What this means is that collagen is a huge molecule, and it will sit on the surface of the skin, which cannot be taken in by the dermis. 

Instead of using a collagen cream, we recommend boosting collagen levels from within and adding a liquid collagen supplement to your routine instead.