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Before and after collagen

Before & After Results: What You Can Achieve By Drinking Liquid Collagen

Before you start taking a collagen supplement, it’s very likely that you’ll do some research beforehand. After all, you want to make sure that the collagen supplement you choose is going to have the desired effects. Great ways to do this are by reading other people’s experiences, looking at before and after pictures or speaking to people who have tried a collagen supplement before. In today’s blog, we’ll be showing you real-life before and after results of three of our lovely customers; Kirsten, Shannen and Marina who’ve recently taken part in our Real Women, Real Stories campaign.

What are the effects of collagen? Before and after

Many men and women start taking collagen supplements when they start to notice signs of ageing, whether that’s through their appearance or as they notice their bodies don’t have the same ability to bounce back like they used to. Our body produces collagen naturally, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of our skin. From our late twenties, the natural collagen production in our body starts to slow down, which means we’ll have less and less collagen over time. This can cause signs of ageing, such as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

However, collagen supplements can also be taken to help treat eczema, acne, or to assist in promoting healthy hair and nails. The options are endless, which also means the results may differ per person. Whatever you’re looking to enhance with collagen, take a look at some of our before and after stories and pictures, because after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Revive Collagen: Before and After

Whilst we could go on forever educating you about the benefits of collagen, today our lovely customers are taking the spotlight to show you the real before and after results of liquid marine collagen. We offer two types of liquid collagen - our Original Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Drink uses 8,500 mg of Marine Collagen and also contains Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera Juice to boost skin elasticity and firmness whilst helping to reduce inflammation. If you’re over 40 or have specific skin concerns and are looking for a slightly stronger supplement, the Enhanced Plus Collagen Drink is perfect for you. With 10,000mg of Type 1 Hydrolysed Marine Collagen per sachet and additional ingredients such as Retinol, Hydrolysed Keratin and Vitamins B6, B12, C & D, this collagen drink is a saviour for ageing hair and skin.

Treating chronic eczema & psoriasis with Revive Collagen: Kirsten’s story

Let us introduce you to Kirsten, a 36 year old woman who has been struggling with chronic eczema and psoriasis since she was born. Over the years, Kirsten had tried everything in her power to treat her condition, from steroid creams, tablets, going to regular dermatologist appointments, however nothing was helping her. At one point, the eczema on her hands got so bad (and even more so during the pandemic) that she was unable to type for work, bathe her own children and even walk the dog. Clearly, a solution was needed. 

Kirstin before & after

Before and after collagen - Kirsten

Kirsten started using Revive Collagen’s liquid collagen drinks and noticed that her scars and blisters were starting to heal just after three weeks of taking collagen daily. After using Revive Collagen for three months, her eczema and psoriasis had almost completely cleared up. Alongside this, she noticed her nails were getting stronger and the marine collagen drink was boosting her complexion. Kirsten is still using Revive Collagen to this day and credits it as “changing her life’’.



Collagen to treat Acne: Shannen’s story 

Shannen, a lovely woman in her late twenties, developed late onset adult cystic acne all over her cheeks and struggled with the condition on a daily basis. As a result it quickly became one of her biggest insecurities. Shannen tried multiple acne creams recommended by doctors but these only seemed to make her acne worse.

Shannen before & after

Before and after Revive Collagen - Shannen

In December 2021, Shannen started to take Revive Collagen supplements and was finally starting to notice big changes to her skin. Her skin dramatically cleared up after taking Revive Collagen for only six weeks which has now hugely boosted her confidence. Shannen is excited to continue using the products to see how it can further reduce her acne. 


How collagen treated Eczema and dermatitis: Marina’s story

Finally, meet 34 year old Marina, who started to see her life change for the better when she started taking Revive Collagen’s supplements. Marina has suffered with eczema on her face and severe dermatitis on her hands all her life. Despite consulting multiple doctors and specialists and trying several creams over the years, nothing seemed to help her condition. Marina wasn’t able to wear makeup because of the eczema on her face which also impacted her self-esteem. 

Marina before and after

Before and after collagen - Marina

Marina has been taking Revive Collagen’s original drink for over a year and a half now. Within a week, she started to notice a difference and her skin has now completely cleared up. Her eczema and dermatitis have drastically improved - everyone around her noticed a difference and started to compliment her. After years of struggling with her skin conditions, Marina has finally started to feel like herself again and can now go out with makeup on which has been really exciting for her... 


Previous article At What Age Does Collagen Production Slow Down And When Can You Start Taking Collagen Supplements?